Sandra Impey, MHS, BScOT (C)
Senior Consultant

Sandra Impey has a Master of Health Studies degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy.  She has been practicing Occupational Therapy for the past 34 years working primarily with the adult population and across a wide spectrum of injury, illness and disease processes. 

In 1996, Sandra moved into private practice preparing medical legal reports and cost of care analysis for both plaintiff and defense counsel. She is FCE-trained using both the Matheson and Occupro protocols and has completed all the Matheson Mastery Series courses (Forensic Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning, FCE with TBI, and Advanced FCE).  She completed the Matheson coursework required for Certification in Life Care Planning (Advanced).  She has completed Life Care Planning courses specific to Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury and Amputations through the University of Florida.  

Sandra has qualified as an expert witness in the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench in March 2019, December 2012; the British Columbia Supreme Court in 2006 and in 2015 was affirmed as an expert witness in Occupational Therapy in CPP-Disability appeal hearings.